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會員名稱: Jennifer Tam
攝影行程: Tiffany攝影行程     建立日期: 2024-09-09


* 化妝師冠朵:她是一位十分專業和有經驗的化妝師。她彷彿和我心靈相通,出發前我很想拍一些髪型有瀏海的照片,髮色和長度都可以隨着不同的造型有變化。她竟然可以在一天內完成我的願望,妝容效果締造出一個甜美、青春活潑的形象,而且妝容看起來非常立體和韓風。她絕對是我接觸過的化妝師中最棒的一位!
* 攝影師震南:他令我們擺不同甫士時可以輕鬆愉快,平時笑容僵硬的我們,拍出來的效果都很自然。他非常有耐性和友善,隨着天氣變化幫我們拍攝出不同效果。出發前,他很有耐性地了解我們的需求和風格要求。我這次拍攝的主要目的是合歡山的山景、雲海!由於天氣變化莫測,我們出發前也十分擔心拍不到心目中的效果。但最後攝影師憑着他的專業技巧,拍了一輯非常滿意的山景照片。此外,拍攝期間突然下雨,他不但沒有停止拍攝,反而建議我們撐起透明雨傘,拍了一輯非常有動感和溫馨的結婚照片。萬分感謝!
* 燈光師阿洲:除了協助打燈之外,他還很熱心地幫助我老公,無論是換衣服還是保管東西,每一個環節都處理得很好。而且在拍攝過程中,我們對於擺甫士有些不太明白,他都會迅速地上前幫助我們擺好pose。
* 海外專員Lilian:非常感謝她每一個事項的溫馨提示。由於這是我們第一次去海外拍攝婚紗照,她非常體貼,出發前仔細叮囑每一個事項,給了我們很大的信心。
* 揀相專員玖零:在我們選照片選到頭昏腦脹的時候,她很客觀地給我們意見,協助我們選擇心儀的照片、相框、排序等。給她一個大大的讚!

We just completed an unforgettable wedding photoshoot in Taiwan, and we are sincerely grateful to Tiffany Diamond Wedding ftheir outstanding service. From the booking process to the photoshoot itself, every staff member demonstrated professionalism and patience. Their meticulous arrangements and flexibility allowed my husband and me to fulfill our dream of capturing our wedding photos amidst the natural beauty of Hehuanshan. Special thanks to the professional photographer, lighting technician, and makeup artist, whose skills and creativity made our photos even more stunning. This photoshoot was not just about creating beautiful images, it was a memory we will cherish fa lifetime. I highly recommend Tiffany Diamond Wedding to all couples planning their wedding photoshoots!

Besides, I would like to express my gratitude to a few exceptional team members:

* Makeup Artist Guan Duo: She is an incredibly professional and experienced makeup artist. It felt like she could read my mind because before the shoot, I had wanted some photos with bangs, and I wanted to see changes in my hair coland length with different styles. She miraculously fulfilled my wishes in just one day, giving me a sweet, youthful, and lively look with a makeup style that was very 3-dimensional and had a K-beauty vibe. She is hands down the best makeup artist I have ever worked with!
* Photographer Zhen Nan: He made it easy and fun fus to pose, even though we usually have stiff smiles. The photos turned out so natural. He was extremely patient and friendly, and he adapted to the changing weather conditions to capture different effects. Before the trip, he took the time to understand our needs and style preferences. The primary focus of this shoot was the mountain scenery and sea of clouds at Hehuanshan! Because of the unpredictable weather, we were very worried before the trip that we wouldn’t get the shots we envisioned. But in the end, the photographer used his professional skills to capture a series of mountain photos that we are extremely satisfied with. Also, when it suddenly started to rain during the shoot, instead of stopping, he suggested we use transparent umbrellas, and we ended up with a series of dynamic and heartwarming wedding photos. We are incredibly grateful!
* Lighting Technician Ah Zhou: Besides assisting with lighting, he was very helpful to my husband, whether it was changing clothes keeping our belongings safe. Moreover, during the shoot, when we were unsure about some poses, he quickly stepped in to help us get the poses right.
* Overseas CoordinatLilian: We are very thankful fher warm reminders about every detail. As this was our first time doing an overseas wedding shoot, she was incredibly considerate and gave us thorough advice before the trip, which gave us great confidence.
* Photo Selection Specialist Jiuling: When we were overwhelmed while se1ecting photos, she provided objective advice and helped us choose our favorite photos, frames, and arrangements. She definitely deserves a big thumbs up!
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